Soft As A Petal Massage LLC

Bloom into Relaxation!

Trigger Points vs Spasms

Trigger Points vs Spasms

Trigger Points

* Localized points of hyperirritability in muscles. They are sensitive to pressure. They are often characterized by a hard knot or ropy band and can refer pain to other areas. They are called "trigger points" because pressure on the area triggers pain. Acute trigger points are usually sharp and painful while latent trigger points are more dull, achy, and are usually deeper in the muscle. Trigger points are located in weak parts of the muscle or fascia that are particularly sensitive to stress induced changes. They often evolve slowly and last a long time, even many years.


*  A muscle spasm is a protective contractile response and can involve one muscle, often only a part of a muscle, or even parts of several muscles. They can move from one muscle or muscle group to another sometimes in waves. They tend to come on really quickly in response to the underlying pathology or injury. They vary in duration but are generally short-lived, usually for a few hours or days, however some can go for weeks. Ice is appropriate for acute spasms while heat or ice can be used to help chronic ones. 

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